living in the 21 century has been the most tech Era of all times. Originally technology was used as a form of entertainment, now it has become a social method, and a new way of learning. As helpul and fun as technology may seem, the power to deprive humans from their nature has become a problem specially amongs teenagers. technology is a thing which a person must learn how to control and use fairly not abusively as most of us do.
technology is replacing our inner thought process by letting us access information easily and providing us with a direct answer where a person could just copy down and use as one’s own personal answer. Also known as plagiarism
to learn more about how intellectual knowledge is being intervene with tech, visit this website!
while open to tech and world wide info, we are also open to world wide communication, becoming an intervenience in our daily communication life
to learn more about how social media has become a border within our physical communication skills, visit this website
while most of us are open to tech, many of the websites we often use may contain our private information including our home address or identity depending on website. This are all open to hackers trying to steal info.
To learn more about technology privacy concerns visit this website